retail media in store display

POS display evolution: From behavioral KPIs to retail media disruption

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In my near-20 years in the field, I’ve watched point-of-sale (POS) displays transform from simple product holders to sophisticated marketing tools designed to capture attention and drive purchase decisions. This evolution has been driven largely by the power of behavioral research, which continues to redefine how brands approach their in-store presence.

As I reflect on the early recommendations from EyeSee’ first studies—where visibility, attention, likability, and share of shoppers were the Holy Grails—I’m reminded of just how far we've come! From these initial findings, we understood that elements like product prominence, clear functional benefits, and strategic copy placement were key drivers of display effectiveness. Now, with the rise of retail media, we stand on the brink of yet another transformation, one where the integration of digital elements and data-driven personalization promises to take POS displays to new heights.

Join me as I revisit some of the core findings from our early studies, explore today’s display landscape, and look ahead to what’s on the horizon.

POS Displays: The journey to capturing shopper attention

The evolution of displays over the years has focused on optimizing KPIs such as in-store Visibility, Attention, Likability, and Share of Shoppers, which we tested using a combination of eye tracking, surveys, and virtual shopping simulations.

To understand how displays work best, a couple of years ago we conducted a meta-analysis of over 50 displays from multiple industries. Each display was analyzed based on seven variables: the presence of people, the communication of functional benefits, product prominence, copy style and length, call-to-action, and branding.

Our findings reveal that attracting attention and making your product stand out in a crowded store is the critical first step. Interestingly, displays without people tend to have a higher impact on visibility. This may seem counterintuitive, but including people often makes displays appear cluttered. Instead, emphasizing a clear functional benefit—such as efficacy, taste, or health benefits—significantly boosts visibility compared to vague taglines. Large, easy-to-read copy also enhances the display’s impact.

Once you've grabbed the shopper's attention, keeping it is the next challenge. Our research shows that displays with clearly communicated functional benefits, larger copy styles, embedded branding, and products positioned on the side (rather than the center) hold attention longer. Surprisingly, likability was less influenced by specific display features and more tied to overall brand perception.

POS displays at Target: A look at what’s working now

Having all of this in mind (and enjoying a rare quiet week), I visited my local Target store to do an aisle walk and see how brands are currently executing their POS display communication.  

Here are some interesting examples that caught my eye, in no particular order:

Liquid I.V. - simple but very effective, with side boxes that clearly communicate the brand proposition, specific benefits, and product usage.  

L'Oreal- interactivity, ability to personalize with limitless choices, and just a bold, striking endcap overall.

Byoma (Future Beauty Labs) - I liked the routine CTA and how they used shelves for presenting all five steps of the beauty routine, and I give them bonus points for the "b" alliteration! It really stuck with me.

Lume Deodorant / Mando - high-contrast orange & pink for visibility are great, but… As a consumer I wouldn’t mind understanding more of the "why." Also, mixing products on different color trays makes it slightly more difficult to shop, in my consumer experience.

As we can see, these examples show that modern displays are not just about visibility; they are about creating an experience that engages and educates the shopper. Brands are increasingly using bold colors, clear benefits, interactivity, and strategic positioning to capture and retain shopper attention. But soon, these will not be the only KPI’s we should pay attention to.

The future of POS displays: Retail media and beyond

Looking ahead, the future of POS displays will be increasingly intertwined with the rise of retail media. As digital and physical worlds continue to merge, we can expect to see more dynamic and interactive elements integrated into POS displays. Retail media will enable brands to deliver personalized messages at the point of purchase, using data-driven insights to tailor displays to individual shopper preferences.

Imagine displays that adapt in real-time, showing products or messages that align with a shopper’s past purchases or browsing history. Digital screens and QR codes could offer additional layers of engagement, guiding customers to deeper product information, reviews, or special offers.

As POS displays continue to evolve, the integration of behavioral insights will remain at the forefront, ensuring that each display is not just seen, but remembered and acted upon.  Count me among those that can’t wait to see what’s next!

If you're eager to learn more about e-commerce read From attention to action: Optimizing e-commerce content.

Cliff Kane
Senior Director, New Business Development @EyeSee
Behavioral insight
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