Carrying the torch of Olympic excellence: A look at Paris 2024 ads

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What an amazing Olympics we are witnessing! We're in awe of the athletes, feeling pride, sadness, euphoria, joy, blood, sweat, and tears. Most of all, we're experiencing the unity and power of what humanity can achieve through sportsmanship and progress. So, how do we ensure a brand’s Olympic edition ad captures all these emotions? If it doesn't leave a lasting impression, it's disqualified from the start.

But emotions aren't all that matters. Just as athletes spend years preparing, investments in such advertising run into millions. The goal is to achieve returns across all disciplines—increased sales, brand anchoring, perception, and awareness—so your brand shines like a gold medalist. 

When the stakes are that high, it's time to turn to your expert team. We asked our specialists to review some standout ads, offering praise and insights for improvement, just like great coaches do. 

Powerade Olympic Ads - Turn the pressure into power(ade) resonates strongly  

In a series of videos featuring Olympic athletes competing for Team USA, we see a similar approach. The voice-over speaks directly to the athletes, with video capturing their close-ups. Through fast-paced footage and the constant pressure of an intense voice, we grasp the full extent of the athletes' struggles. And who else but Powerade comes to the rescue.

Marija Smudja: “The ad begins with a compelling zoom-in on Katie Grimes’ face, which effectively grabs attention. Our research indicates that close-ups of faces significantly boost the ad's stopping power and foster a stronger emotional connection with viewers. This technique is a strategic choice, setting a powerful tone from the start. Additionally, the integration of dynamic music and fast-paced scenes is a smart move, successfully building suspense and engaging the audience. The resolution delivers a sense of relief, reinforcing the product as "the solution." To further enhance brand recall and strengthen viewer association, introducing the product or brand logo earlier in the ad would be beneficial. This adjustment could solidify the brand’s presence and improve overall effectiveness.” 

BBC Ad: The city of love – How far can a love metaphor go?

In a romantic, one-minute animated video ad, BBC wants us to fall in love with sports and cherish our relationship with it by watching on their services. Were they persuasive enough? 

Ana Golubovic: “The animation of this ad is subtle, using visuals to explore the romantic and emotional aspects of sports—focusing on struggles, pain, and triumphs. The voiceover employs well known metaphors such as "love makes your heart race" with images of a motorcyclist in action, "love takes your breath away" with a girl surfacing from the water, and "when you fall in love, you fall hard" with athletes in intense moments. The central message revolves around the concept of "the city of love." To be fair the whole ad is very cute and lovely in every sense of that word, but is it enough? Despite its efforts, the ad lacks a clear cause-and-effect narrative that might better engage and resonate with viewers and add a needed edge to it.”  

Woolworths Ad: Fresh fuels the best in all of us - Emotions with a twist

This video ad is just as gentle, if not more so, than the one above. However, it has a twist that effectively delivers the message, with the brand seamlessly integrated throughout.  

Xinyu Tok: “Fresh fuels the best in all of us” is a winning campaign that connects Woolworths as the brand championing the best in Australians. The moving story of Col Pearse, an Australian Paralympic swimmer, is conveyed through a dynamic story that ends on emotive high - winning elements to capture attention and aid recollection. Woolworths’ brand assets are artfully placed throughout the film, well supporting the brand’s association with Col’s inspiring story, and its message on fueling the best in Australians.” 

Tasva: Ceremonial Dress Partner - Olympians are elite but they also need to be relatable  

This forty-second video ad exudes class and a strong sense of pride. The brand is impeccably presented—so much so that it raises the question: is it perhaps too perfect?

Iskra Herak: The ad successfully leverages the patriotic spirit and prestige of the Olympics to elevate Tasva’s brand image. However, to maximize its effectiveness and avoid a generic feel, incorporating well-known athletes and having them talk about what the ceremonial dress means to them can add authenticity and a personal touch that will benefit the video and the brand. 

Omega: Paris 2024 - Smart, precise, and on-point

Nowhere else does time play such a huge and epic role as in sports competitions. This video proves that Omega understands this at its core and truly embodies the role of official Olympic timekeepers. 

Ana Golubovic: “This ad draws its inspiration from Paris and its iconic architectural landmarks, setting the stage for an impressive visual experience. Athletes interact with the city as their playground, and the hypnotic French rap soundtrack adds an extra layer of energy and sophistication. The brand placements are subtly integrated, striking a perfect balance that avoids overwhelming viewers—a detail that ad enthusiasts often appreciate. Overall, the ad exemplifies how clever cinematography can effectively enhance a brand’s presence and appeal.” 

Coca-Cola: It’s magic when world comes together - It’s not all about the competition  

Emotional advertising is in this brand's DNA, but this ad offers more than just emotions—it plays with our expectations. Instead of focusing on pressure and grit right before the race begins, it reveals the other side of sport: its power to unite people in solidarity.

Ana Golubovic: “The commercial highlights how Coca-Cola transcends differences, including the intense rivalries between countries, to celebrate global togetherness. Accompanied by the stirring Kiwanuka track "Rule the World," the ad builds to an emotional crescendo, delivering a message that resonates deeply: "It's magic when the world comes together." The combination of impactful imagery and evocative music creates a memorable and moving experience, capturing the essence of shared human connection, while also placing the product in the right moment in an organic way.” 

Want to read more ad analyses? Check out the fresh blog: Celebrating ad excellence: Singapore National Day breakdown.

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