Behavioral insights about women by women

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EyeSee is comprised of 61% women who drive forward 100% of pioneering research! Throughout much of the 20th century, research predominantly revolved around men; with men often occupying the roles of both researchers and default study participants. In doing so, we inadvertently overlooked the intricate and captivating traits of female consumers, as well as the unique perspectives of female experts.  

Today, let's acknowledge past shortcomings and enthusiastically embrace the richness of diverse female perspectives, insights, and needs. Here's an insight into the specialized knowledge that women, particularly those in research roles, offer about women. 

Grooming preferences: Are gender neutral options killing the pink tax?  

Coined in the 1970s, the term "pink tax" signifies the pricing disparity between products marketed to men and women. For years, disposable razors have exemplified this disparity — the identical product often commands a higher price when packaged in pink. Research shows that women’s four-blade razors were priced 66% higher than men’s on average! 

Many women, wanting to avoid paying an extra buck for what is essentially the same product, revert to buying disposable razors for men.

In certain EyeSee research studies, brand perceptions have shown improvements through the introduction of gender-neutral options. This trend has been notably observed in categories such as children's toys and perfumes

Perimenopausal skincare: The uncomfortable truth 

This Women’s Day let's celebrate the strength and resilience of women by focusing on a critical yet often overlooked stage in their lives: (peri)menopause.  It's a transformative journey marked by physical changes and deep reflections, in which many women start prioritizing personal needs and desires above societal expectations.  

72% reported that they noticed changes in their skin at perimenopause/menopause, while 50% felt they had been insufficiently informed about these symptoms, highlighting the need for educating women and healthcare professionals on the impact of menopause on the skin. 

As women navigate the perimenopausal stage, skincare emerges as more than a routine — it's a feminist statement. By embracing self-care, women affirm their autonomy and redefine beauty on their terms.

Exploring the pandemic's influence on wellbeing: The beauty comes from within 

Social pressures remain important factors for women’s consumer choices overall, but after the pandemic we saw a significant surge in more sustainable options.

To make healthier and more sustainable choices, many women seek additional information and education about products and whole categories. If you are a brand, make sure ingredients, new technology and other benefits are readily available as part of e.g. landing pages, packages, and influences videos. The information gathered is used to make unique habits and personalized rituals. 

If you are interested in more pioneering trends and research, check out our blog on TikTok Creative Guidelines for Powerful Ads based on a comprehensive study that involved 20 brands! 

Behavioral insight
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