Editors’ pick: Kickstarting 2022 with a behavioral bang

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In the light of a new year, we looked back at the most sought-after case studies, blogs and webinars that marked our 2021 – and that serve a great purpose for laying down the behavioral groundwork for the tasks and opportunities this year will bring!

Make sure you get EyeSee’s Insights Casebook packed with (all of these and more!) cross-industry top experts’ perspectives and handy tips on innovation, must-have research tools, latest trends, and challenges to help kickstart your 2022.

Riding the wave of change: Building competitive and sustainable products

One of the big topics brands will need to tackle in the years to come is the issue surrounding sustainability – more precisely, how to effectively help the cause and create in-demand products that people want to purchase. However, we’ve repeatedly seen that ‘green’ product strategies either simply miss the mark – or are labeled as greenwashing. This is the first part of the 4-part case study on everything brands must know about developing sustainable products that win big on the shelf!

Walk your talk: Choosing sustainable product claims wisely

Claiming a product is sustainable won’t push consumers to make that green purchase – but which product claims hold power to change shopper behavior? In the second installment of the comprehensive study, we dug deep into which messaging makes all the difference when found on the busy supermarket shelves.

Social media impact: How much does social media content affect actual shopping?

Advocating for greener alternatives doesn’t stop at the shelves – and one of the most efficient ways brands can reach a vast crowd is through social media feeds. The third part covers how brands can leverage social media in a way that both brings awareness to the cause and resonates with the green shopper.

EyeSee x Colgate Palmolive: Busting myths about sustainable products

Check out the webinar session where Colgate-Palmolive’s Foresight and Sustainability Insights expert, Cherie Leonard and EyeSee’s Laura Hoste and Jonathan Asher tackle all the study findings while debunking the 5 most common misconceptions about building competitive sustainable products.

Should brands be talking about COVID and BLM? #InstagramStudy

With many events and issues that caused social turmoil and sparked conversation last year – the big question still remains – what’s the right way to do it? EyeSee set out to explore the behavioral data and see how brands should tackle crisis messaging – and consequently, how it will affect brand equity. Take a deep dive into the results of one of the most extensive mobile behavioral studies conducted on 1800 respondents in an Instagram environment.

Twitter x EyeSee: Does adjacent content affect brand reputation?

Read the key insights from a project with Twitter that explored how adjacency to controversial or divisive social media content impacts brand performance. Twitter’s research analysts Kelsey Capobianco and Isabel Suede discussed the study setup and full findings, while EyeSee’s CTO Vuk Pašković shared why brands need to be quick when embracing new tech that’s changing the future of remote market research.

How Brands Can Make a Positive Impact on Social Media and Consumers

It is no secret that brands are spending trillions on advertising with the goal of affecting behavior and attitudes, but the question remains – can they use it to connect with consumers in a meaningful way and obtain a positive return? At this point, it’s not a matter of if but how to do it right with the social media landscape transforming before our eyes – check out the full webinar session!

Behavioral insight
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